I live in Florida these days, but my roots can be found in the little Texas town where I grew up. I’ve always had an unnatural attraction to Freddy Krueger, basset hounds, and turning bread twist ties the wrong way (or so my father had repeatedly declared, in his lovable OCD way). And writing was never an option. It was a must.
Anyone who knows a writer knows that it’s typically a lifelong addiction, so I don’t expect to raise any eyebrows (or elicit gasps of admiration) when I assert that I was writing stories as soon as I could grip that sparkly My Little Pony pencil in my fist. No surprise there. As an adult, I’ve gone over to the corporate world, after proudly working my way through a master’s degree in English literature, linguistics, and communications, but I have never forsaken my literary background or my love of throwing myself into that next story venture (and trust me, I’ve got plenty being cooked up here).
My current project Home Beyond Hell (hop on over here and check it out) is the first in an epic series of novels for adult readers who enjoy a cocktail of romance, humor, action, with a dark-drama chaser. Set in an environment that is a little outside of the norm and just a bit disorienting, this story has been my obsession since its conception. And now the book has officially taken up residence in the Land of Published Works (Okay, I mean it’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, in local bookstores, you name it!). And I’m polishing up Book 2 while simultaneously working on a few other literary endeavors (if you’ve visited my Writing Projects page, you’ll see I’ve got a few to choose from).
Oh, and in addition to being a biker and Meat Smoker Queen, I also brew beer. I love beer. Love it, love it, love it. I’m probably drinking it right now while you read this. Humankind was never at its best until the creation of Great Divide’s Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout. And if I could cast it as the lead in my next novel, it would absolutely deserve to be anthropomorphized as a tall, dark, and hunky protagonist.
I reside with my husband, John, who has a strange habit of liking my company, even when I’m staring at my feet with a dreamy smile because I’m planning out the next chapter of whatever book idea is consuming me. No dog. Yet. But, oh yes, there will be a basset hound somewhere in our future (see paragraph #1). John does not know this and there’s no need at this point to bring it up (he’s not exactly a fan). However, I’m confident that his reaction will provide some perfect Blog fodder for this site. And since we both have a passion for traveling, I’m sure I can pacify him by planning our next trip back to Belgium to explore more breweries.
As for now, there’s a Microsoft Word document entitled “Next Great Story” that’s sitting open at the bottom of my screen that I must get back to. You understand. It’s what I do.